Van Air conditioning and re-gassing in Slough

Regular air conditioner re-gassing plays a key role in keeping your van cool and comfortable during the warmer months. Here are some of the most important things to know about what re-gassing is, how to tell if your van’s air conditioner system needs it, and what to expect when having our team re-gas your van’s air conditioning


What Is Air Conditioning Re-Gassing?

Air conditioning re-gassing simply involves replacing your air conditioning system’s old refrigerant gas with fresh refrigerant. Doing so regularly is an important step in making sure that your air conditioner always has the quality refrigerant it needs to keep your van as cool as you want it to be because older refrigerant often becomes less efficient and capable of doing its job.


Signs That Your Van’s Air Conditioning System Needs Re-Gassing

Following our recommended van air conditioning re-gassing schedule often means that you will not notice signs that it is needed, but you may eventually notice several indicators that your air conditioner needs re-gassing if you do not do so regularly. You will likely notice a gradual decline in the coolness of the air your van’s air conditioning system creates, which may initially be barely noticeable and progress from a minor difference to feeling little to no cool air at all over time. While minor changes may not seem like a major issue on average days, it is a good idea to see if re-gassing your van’s air conditioner will solve the problem before it becomes a bigger problem the next time you need to drive a long distance on an exceptionally hot day.

While a lack of cool air has the potential to be linked to a wide range of issues and does not necessarily guarantee that your van’s air conditioner needs re-gassing, this is the most common reason. With this in mind, noticing any difference in the air it produces means that it is time to have a professional check your air conditioner’s gas and other factors to determine what is going on and make any needed repairs to solve the problem.


How Often Should My Van’s Air Conditioning System Be Re-Gassed?

We typically recommend having your van’s air conditioning system re-gassed approximately once every two years to keep it running at its maximum capacity. While we can certainly re-gas your air conditioner more frequently if you experience problems keeping your van as cool as you would like it to be, we generally do not recommend waiting until you experience a specific problem to do so because waiting significantly longer than two years may cause your van’s air conditioner to wear out more quickly than it should.

Even though it may take time to notice if changes to your air conditioner’s efficiency occur slowly, its parts may be more likely to become damaged or lose their ability to function at the highest level if they are allowed to sit for longer than the recommended time frame without re-gassing. You may also lose fuel efficiency or experience significant wear and tear or other engine problems because air conditioners that attempt to force themselves to work without getting results can make your engine work harder than it should.


Typical Cost of Air Conditioning Re-Gassing

Air conditioner re-gassing is a simple project that is typically much more affordable than having a major repair done or replacing your entire air conditioner because you did not maintain it properly, and you should generally expect to pay no more than approximately £200 to do so. Many van owners find that re-gassing costs significantly less than this, and it can run as low as £50.


Potential Consequences of Not Re-Gassing Your Van’s Air Conditioning System Frequently Enough

While maintaining your van regularly may not always be easy to fit into your budget and schedule, not doing so can quickly become a much larger expense if something that could have been prevented goes wrong. Not re-gassing your van’s air conditioning system frequently enough can keep it from running properly by reducing its overall efficiency and ability to handle changing temperatures, which can reduce its capacity to keep your van cool enough to match your ideal comfort level. Depending on how important cool temperatures are to you, this may mean giving up on your air conditioning altogether and driving a hot vehicle or having to wait longer to get going to give your poorly functioning air conditioning system more time to reach a somewhat cool (but still not ideal) temperature.

While the potential problems associated with not re-gassing your van’s air conditioning system are the most obvious on hot days, they can also be noticeable during the winter months because a poorly functioning system may not be capable of demist your windows as quickly as you may be used to. You may also experience cracked pipes and similar issues with your system’s other moving parts if it is not used frequently enough, which means that it is not necessarily a good idea to simply let it sit throughout the entire winter even though you do not need to cool your vehicle. Regularly running it in some capacity can be a much more effective option when it comes to making sure that your van’s air conditioner is capable of providing cool air when you need it.


Choose Masters Autocare Centre for Quality Van Air Conditioning and Re-Gassing in Slough

At Masters Autocare Centre, we prioritise helping you make sure that your van is as comfortable as possible in any weather conditions. Maintaining its air conditioning system regularly and staying on top of re-gassing it as needed plays a key role in keeping your van cool and enjoyable on even the hottest Slough summer days. While it is technically possible to do this on your own, we recommend having our experts handle it to make sure that your van’s re-gassing is done correctly to avoid any potential problems and make sure that your system is capable of running as efficiently as possible to keep your van cool and comfortable. Contact us today to learn more about the importance of maintaining and re-gassing your van’s air conditioning system or to schedule an appointment!